I’m a multi-media designer from Liverpool who specialises in graphic illustration, typography and art direction. My practice is informed by a range of influences such as art nouveau style illustrations such as the works of Aubrey Beardsley and Deconstructionist typography like the publications of Emigre and M/M Paris. I love maximalism and always go big whether it is small intricate designs that sprawl across or bigger encompassing designs that encapsulate the page. My strengths lie in hand drawing, adobe software, type design and photography which are all mediums where my creative practice thrives in.



I based my designs on how I interpreted the Father soundscape. This soundscape reminded me of 80s and 90s synthesiser sound effects as well as geometrical album designs from synth bands such as New Order and The Pet Shop Boys. The cover design is made up of all of the 55 colours that make up the GF Smith colour plan represented in a tight nit triangular design.

For the back cover design I arranged the triangles I had used for the cover and positioned them down either side of the vinyls on the left and right sides. As well as this I placed triangles down the middle to create two spaces where the copy and logos fit.

My inner sleeve designs consist of 3 triangles on the top and bottom of each side of the vinyl (front and back). I found that the colours I chose for each side represented the emotions and my reaction to the music. I intentionally designed the inner sleeves with a much more simpler approach compared to the cover as I felt that the inner sleeves were more integral to the themes and felling within the music.