I’m a multi-media designer from Liverpool who specialises in graphic illustration, typography and art direction. My practice is informed by a range of influences such as art nouveau style illustrations such as the works of Aubrey Beardsley and Deconstructionist typography like the publications of Emigre and M/M Paris. I love maximalism and always go big whether it is small intricate designs that sprawl across or bigger encompassing designs that encapsulate the page. My strengths lie in hand drawing, adobe software, type design and photography which are all mediums where my creative practice thrives in.



Here is a collection of illustrations I create for many projects that span commissioned work, editorial projects as well as personal designs. The primary medium for most of these designs is newspaper/ magazine paper and hand drawn ink illustrations. Many of the illustrations take inspiration from iconic cover designs from studios such as M/M Paris as well as layouts from Magazines such as Emigre and The Face.