I’m a multi-media designer from Liverpool who specialises in graphic illustration, typography and art direction. My practice is informed by a range of influences such as art nouveau style illustrations such as the works of Aubrey Beardsley and Deconstructionist typography like the publications of Emigre and M/M Paris. I love maximalism and always go big whether it is small intricate designs that sprawl across or bigger encompassing designs that encapsulate the page. My strengths lie in hand drawing, adobe software, type design and photography which are all mediums where my creative practice thrives in.


DOC 234—34/2

DEUS:   088/26812—81
REX-13: 978-0882681/283
Etiam euismod elit id nisl lacinia commodo. Donec non neque quis mauris malesuada ultricies. Sed posuere sem velit, nec vestibulum enim laoreet a. Duis imperdiet egestas pulvinar, In gravida turpis arcu, et semper nisl pellentesque est.

Nunc blandit nunc mi, eu ultrices justo tempor a. Pellentesque rhoncus tempor convallis. Nulla semper tortor non elementum vulputate. Donec lectus nibh, euismod sed lectus quis, pretium dapibus dolor. Mauris ut massa ante. Sed eu sapien non lorem eleifend auctor a id quam. Suspendisse id lacinia erat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis.